Totally not finding any rare drops!
I haven’t gotten ANY since playing!
I haven’t gotten ANY since playing!
Fear not!
I’ve learned the ways of finding many Legendary Extensions from My Crypto Heroes (MCH) and have come to show you how to find Original Spheres as well!
I’ve learned the ways of finding many Legendary Extensions from My Crypto Heroes (MCH) and have come to show you how to find Original Spheres as well!
Is that..okay?
Isn’t information like that kinda..super secret??
Is that..okay?
Isn’t information like that kinda..super secret??
It’s finnee!
To verteran players of MCH, it’s kinda already common knowledge to understand.
At this point there’s no problems letting you know!
To verteran players of MCH, it’s kinda already common knowledge to understand.
At this point there’s no problems letting you know!
Brave Frontier Heroes is a separate game, but the Rare Drop System is the same as My Crypto Heroes.
There are a lot of people who only know Brave Frontier Heroes, but through this article we hope people learn how to acquire Original Spheres!
There are a lot of people who only know Brave Frontier Heroes, but through this article we hope people learn how to acquire Original Spheres!
This’ll be a HUGE insight!
This article was translated with the help of Johnny狼 of Kaimon International.
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
This article’s contents
The Fundamentals of Original Sphere Drops
So let’s first talk about the fundamentals of Original Sphere drops.
Both BFH & MCH are made by the same company, thus the Drop Logic follows some of the same principals.
Both BFH & MCH are made by the same company, thus the Drop Logic follows some of the same principals.
Those working at BFH haven’t explicitly said, “it’s the same as MCH”, but I myself in playing feel it’s prettyy much the same trend of when Original Spheres are dropped.
So what exactly do you mean that BFH follows the same system as MCH??
Okay! So, the Rate of rare of drops, isn’t fixed, it’s actually automatically adjusted.
That IS similar to the system of MCH!
Point: Original Sphere Drops are automatically adjusted!
In many games, rare item drops rates are fixed.
For example: When you defeat a boss, the probability of a rare item drop is say, 0.1%, and the next rare drop is like 1%.
For example: When you defeat a boss, the probability of a rare item drop is say, 0.1%, and the next rare drop is like 1%.
Sounds like any normal MMORPG..
However on the other hand, BFH’s Original Sphere Drop Rate is auto adjusted.
What this means is, the more people do quests, and the more the supply of original spheres are rewarded, the drop rate decreases.
What this means is, the more people do quests, and the more the supply of original spheres are rewarded, the drop rate decreases.
See, if the drop rate were fixed, as more and more people played BFH, all the original spheres would be quickly awarded out, right?
I see, so because in Brave Frontier Heroes Assets have this issuing limit, there isn’t enough Original Spheres to go around.
Yep, so to prevent this, both BFH and MCH have a system where the drop is automatically adjusted.
I get it!
There are a few factors that I know have an affect on the drop rate. Factors like, the Number of Quests carried out, Number of Assets Issued, and Time have a large influence.
Specifically speaking,
- Within a fixed time if there are a lot of players going on quests, the drop rate of original spheres decreases.
- If someone receives an original sphere, the drop rate for the next one decreases.
- If an original sphere hasn’t been dropped for some time, the drop rate increases.
Stuff like that.
How long is a “fixed period of time?”
I don’t know the exact interval..
But it seems like its measured on 2 axis: Minutes, and combination of Day and Week.
But it seems like its measured on 2 axis: Minutes, and combination of Day and Week.
However, as time passes the drop rate of original spheres changes in real time, I’m sure of it.
I guess it seems that way, but without the exact logic being made public it seems like there’s no way to confirm!
I guess it seems that way, but without the exact logic being made public it seems like there’s no way to confirm!
It’s definitely secret only known to the developers of BFH & MCH!
Everything I’ve told you thus far has been deduced from the bits and pieces the developers have hinted at as well as experimenting myself.
Everything I’ve told you thus far has been deduced from the bits and pieces the developers have hinted at as well as experimenting myself.
Approaches to obtaining Original Spheres
Well, if now you understand the fundamentals of Drop Rates for Original Spheres, let’s next talk about the good things you can do to increase your chances of a Rare Drop!
Do quests that few people seem to be doing! (Effect:High)
We know fundamentally that the more people playing results in lower drop rates, so as a first approach, go on quests where there seem to be fewer people.
That sounds like it could work!
That sounds like it could work!
Looking at the current quests out there, Attack spheres coming out of “Caves of Flames” are overwhelmingly high, next magic spheres are often seen in Egor’s “Snowfield”
What isn’t as popular are Shield drops from “Forests of Beats” and “Remains of Mirza” quests
What isn’t as popular are Shield drops from “Forests of Beats” and “Remains of Mirza” quests
So I should definitely aim for rare drops in “Forests of Beasts” & “Remains of Mirza”.
But wait, there aren’t a lot of Shields to begin with!
That’s exactly why there aren’t many people going on these quests!
If you’re thinking, “I don’t care which kind, I just want a rare drop” I’d recommend these two quests!
To sell a dropped sphere that someone else wants to buy is always a good thing!
If you’re thinking, “I don’t care which kind, I just want a rare drop” I’d recommend these two quests!
To sell a dropped sphere that someone else wants to buy is always a good thing!
The Sparkle Edge Series is really hard to get, so searching in quests “Forests of Beasts” and “Remains of Mirza” is a nice change of pace.
BFH Quests periodically are changed.
Unfortunately the quests I’ve reference here are no longer active, but try to apply the same thinking to the current quests out there!
Unfortunately the quests I’ve reference here are no longer active, but try to apply the same thinking to the current quests out there!
Play at off-peak hours, when fewer people would be playing(Effect:Low to Medium)
It’s highly likely that the Drop Rates for original spheres are adjusted upon minute intervals, so it seems effective to go on quest at times when fewer people are playing.
So that would mean either earlier in the day, or really late at night..
I can’t play at those times!
I’m sleeping then!
I’m sleeping then!
Going around playing early in the morning or late at night puts a lot of stress on the body, so I wouldn’t really recommend this..
It is said that in a given day, there are three peak times of internet usages: 08:00-09:30, 11:30-14:00, and 19:00-24:00
In other words, playing in between these times may improve your odds.
In other words, playing in between these times may improve your odds.
So in the morning around 10:00, or early evening would be good!
Does this factor in the many overseas players that BFH also has??
Currently the number of Japanese players is overwhelmingly high that the Drop Rate Logic is more skewed to JST I would think.
As foreign players increase, an average quest time will emerge; the time in which you go on quests may not become a major factor to original sphere drop rates..
As foreign players increase, an average quest time will emerge; the time in which you go on quests may not become a major factor to original sphere drop rates..
Also, I myself have played often during peak times and still received Original Extensions in MCH, so it’s kinda up for debate just how much time influences drop rates.
If everyone were to start playing at times when supposedly there aren’t many people playing, it would just become the new average time.
So it’s more of a practice in theory than actuality.
So it’s more of a practice in theory than actuality.
Increase your amount of Stamina! (Effect: High)
Alright, question for you two..
What do you do to win the lottery?
What do you do to win the lottery?
Pray, Pray, and Pray s’more!
Superstitiously buy a ticket with your lucky number?
Those definitely don’t increase your chances..
The correct answer is to buy lots of tickets.
Yea! Obviously!
That’s just how lotteries work!
If you don’t win, you simply must increase your number of chances.
If you don’t win, you simply must increase your number of chances.
For BFH, that’s increasing the number of times you’re able to go on quests.
In other words, with a different mix of Units, your Stamina limit also increases.
In the end, this is the most important to getting Original Sphere drops.
In other words, with a different mix of Units, your Stamina limit also increases.
In the end, this is the most important to getting Original Sphere drops.
But it costs money to buy Units..
Regardless of what it is, money’s always the first step.
Pay to play, play to earn.
Pay to play, play to earn.
Even if Rare Drops don’t come don’t give up! It’s not impossible (Effect: Huge?)
And finally, this is the most important tip..
Even if you can’t get an Original Sphere, don’t get frustrated.
Even if you can’t get an Original Sphere, don’t get frustrated.
Of course I’d be mad!
Of course I’d be mad!
Regardless of what scheme you choose, in the end it comes down to probability. If it doesn’t come, it doesn’t come.
If playing a game intended for fun becomes just stressful, you’ve lost its purpose.
If playing a game intended for fun becomes just stressful, you’ve lost its purpose.
Yea, playing late until 3am or 4am just isn’t healthy.
Something like that will only cause you pain when playing Brave Frontier Heroes.
The best advice I can give is that it’s obvious Original Spheres are very rarely dropped, so just enjoy the game at your own pace.
The best advice I can give is that it’s obvious Original Spheres are very rarely dropped, so just enjoy the game at your own pace.
!Huh!? That’s it!?
!No, I want a Rare Drop!
I want it! I want it! I want it so bad!
!No, I want a Rare Drop!
I want it! I want it! I want it so bad!
This is definitely the worst type of attitude to have..
She seems like the type that will just sulk and ultimately abandon the game entirely.
She seems like the type that will just sulk and ultimately abandon the game entirely.
『ブレイブフロンティア ヒーローズ』(ブレヒロ)の関連情報
- 10thユニットセール ユニット性能解説
- アップコンバートでLegendaryクラスのPvP環境はどう変わる?: 調整後ユニットの攻撃ダメージをシミュレート!
- ブレヒロ攻略情報まとめ: ブレヒロ攻略の全情報やリンクを集約!ブックマーク推奨!
- ゲームの始め方と遊び方: ブレヒロの序盤をスムーズに進める方法!
- ブレヒロ専用アプリ「GO!ブレヒロ」の使い方: ブレヒロを始めるならこのアプリで!
- アセットのトレード方法解説: ユニットとスフィアをゲーム外で売買する方法
- ブレヒロからはじめる!ブロックチェーンゲーム超入門!: 「ブロックチェーンゲームってなに?」という疑問を解決!
- 5分でわかる!ランド&魔神討伐隊: ランドと魔神討伐隊の詳細を解説!
- バトルシステム徹底解剖: バトルの詳細仕様を解説!
- クエスト攻略マニュアル: クエスト攻略の基本的な知識やテクニックを伝授!
- [PvP攻略のキホン] アセット強化編: PvPで勝つためのアセット強化方法を解説!
- アリーナ(PvP)で有効な戦法/テクニック: PvPで勝率を高めるための戦法を紹介!
- 効率や数値にまつわるいろんなデータ: ブレヒロで抑えておきたい各種データ!
- 門外不出!? 金箱ドロップ攻略: 金箱ドロップの確率を高める工夫を解説!
- ユニット性能ランキングEpic部門 3/11update
- ユニット性能ランキングRare部門 3/8update
- 全ユニットデータ 6/21update
- オリジナルスフィアデータ 4/30update
- レプリカスフィアデータ 3/31update
- アートスキルデータ 1/31update
- ユニット&スフィア経験値(EXP)テーブル
『ブレイブフロンティア ヒーローズ』(ブレヒロ)の関連リンク
- ブレイブフロンティア ヒーローズ: 公式サイト
- 公式Twitter: 運営チームからの最新情報
- ヘルプ: ゲームシステムの詳細や運営方針
- 公式ブログ: 運営チームからのお知らせ
- Gaudiy: ユーザーコミュニティ